Fact Sheet, Toolkit

Responding to Emerging HIV Clusters

Learn recommendations for providers to limit the emergence of HIV clusters

What is a cluster?

The CDC defines a cluster as a group of HIV-infected individuals who are connected by transmission, whether diagnosed or undiagnosed. These clusters can represent potential areas where prevention efforts would be particularly useful. Identifying and tracking the emergence of clusters is a key step in mitigating the spread of HIV. Collecting and reporting information in accordance with your health department’s guidelines can help in identifying these potential risk networks.


In a situation where a cluster pattern appears to be emerging, your local health department uses the data in case reporting forms to conduct surveillance and interventions. The CDC recommends specific guidelines for departments to follow in any cluster investigation. These steps are important for health authorities to limit the transmission of HIV and other communicable diseases by identifying and intervening early on. While the investigation is not the responsibility of providers, there are critical steps we can do to aid prevention efforts and limit transmission within the community.

Departments will identify the transmission cluster and individuals at risk within that cluster network.

Assess what level of need is required, and initiate any critical interventions deemed necessary. This is a step where UIHPs may be directly involved in the process (encouraging testing and re-testing, making sure that HIV+ individuals are receiving adequate and continuous medical care, prescribing medications like PrEP to those within the risk network, etc.).

Department investigators will conduct the investigation and interventions determined to be necessary in the previous step. The goal is to identify clusters and the community factors that impact them.

Health department investigators will continue to monitor progress, determining at what point the cluster response investigation should be closed.


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