Native people have cared for one another through greetings, food, dance, ceremony, and much more. These cultural practices have sustained our people through many hardships and joyful moments. We value and care about our families and communities and have always adapted to ensure the safety of the next generations. In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important for us to again adapt our values and show love in a new way.
“We need physical distancing and social closeness right now.”
You have probably heard this called “Social distancing.” The goal is to increase physical space between individuals to help reduce the risk of spreading a disease. Keeping individuals at least six feet apart is ideal based on what is known about COVID-19,1 but that doesn’t mean we don’t keep our people close socially and culturally.
Greeting our family and community is an important way of showing our love and appreciation for each other, but it often requires we come within six feet of each other. Here are some alternatives to handshakes, hugs, and kisses that allow us to keep at least six feet between each other:
- Air high-five
- Point lips
- Smoke signals
- Sign language
- Fancy dance dance-off
- Breakdance battle
- Pre-record a greeting and send it while standing six feet away
Gathering for food and drink is also an important value. Here are some ideas that encourage social distancing while still enjoying the gift of food and community!
- Before sharing, preparing, or serving foods, wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds
- Use above recommendations for preparing food and drop a meal of on loved one’s porch.
- Share canned goods and dry foods like beans and rice.
- Wash all dishes and utensils in between each use.
- Share your commodity cheese—share the gold!
- Try to support small businesses by ordering some food on your phone or computer.
- Send some food to your elder’s house and share a meal over Skype!