Every year you might hear about a seasonal illness called the flu. There are different types of the flu that can make you feel sick. Updated vaccines are available to help protect people from getting the flu. Getting the flu vaccine is a powerful way to protect you and your family from getting sick at your school, job, or out in community. It is safe to get the Flu, COVID, and RSV vaccines together.



What is influenza virus or Flu?

The flu is a contagious illness that affects the nose, throat, and lungs. It is caused by the influenza virus and can lead to mild to severe illness. Flu is most common between the months of October-May, and peaks between December – February.



What are common symptoms of the flu?

Symptoms usually come on quickly. Symptoms include:

• Cough

• Sore throat

• Runny or stuffy nose

• Muscle or body aces

• Headaches

• Tiredness

• Vomiting and diarrhea, (more common in children)

• Fever or chills



How is the flu spread?

The flu is spread by tiny water droplets carrying the virus. People can become sick by:

• Breathing in the droplets. This can happen when a person with the flu coughs, sneezes, breathes, or talks

• Touching your mouth, nose, or eyes after touching objects covered in the droplets

The flu can be spread even by people who do not feel sick or have symptoms.



How can I protect myself and my loved ones?

The best way to prevent flu is by getting the flu vaccine. The flu vaccine can be given as a shot in the upper arm or as a nasal spray. The best time to get vaccinated is during the fall or winter. It is important to get the flu vaccine every year.



What else can I do to protect my community?

• Stay home when you feel sick

• Wear a face mask over your mouth and nose

• Wash your hands often with soap and water

• Avoid contact with people who are sick

• Clean surfaces often

• Cover coughs and sneezes



What else should I know?

The flu vaccine protects against getting the flu. Everyone ages 6 months and older should get the flu vaccine. Some children 6 months to 8 years of age need two doses of flu vaccine, 4 weeks apart. This includes children who have never had a flu vaccine before, or have only had one prior dose.



What are the most common side effects of the flu vaccine?

The most common side effects of the flu vaccine are pain at the injection site, headache, muscle pain, fever, and nausea. Experiencing these symptoms does not mean that you have the flu. Contact your local clinic or pharmacy to schedule an appointment for a COVID, RSV, and Flu vaccine.

Some people are more at risk for severe illness from the flu. These groups also benefit a lot from getting the vaccine:

• People ages 60 years and older

• People experiencing chronic health conditions

• People with weakened immune systems

• Children younger than 5 years old

• Pregnant people


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