About Urban Cancer Solutions
Urban Cancer Solutions by AICAF, funded by the Urban American Indian Solutions for National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) and National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (NCCCP), aims to address the cancer disparities among urban American Indian and Alaska Native populations by engaging Urban Indian Health Institute, the National Council of Urban Indian Health, and Urban American Indian and Alaska Native clinics across the nation to participate. The aim is to improve cancer prevention efforts, cancer screening data and rates, and provider awareness of survivors’ unique needs and also to promote health equity.
Our epidemiologist in charge of this project is responsible for coordinating and leading epidemiological investigations on breast and cervical cancers affecting the urban American Indian and Alaska Native population. Our epidemiologist will also provide expert epidemiological, scientific, and technical leadership in designing and conducting scientific investigation, analysis, and review specific to the incidence and prevalence of cancer in the urban Native population.
To learn more, visit American Indian Cancer Foundation.
This work is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and is a subcontract with American Indian Cancer Foundation under Urban American Indian Solutions for Breast and Cervical Cancer Program, grant number NU58DP006277-01-00.