National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness 2020 Highlight

Recapping our UIHIV team’s Twitter chat with fellow advocates and community members.

Our UIHIV team was honored to recognize NNHAAD this year by hosting a Twitter chat. We invited friends, other organizations, and community members to come together and share knowledge and resources on HIV programs in their communities. It was a great success to be able to join hands with other organization’s advocates on social media and host such a valuable conversation. We asked the following questions: 

  1. Where are you tweeting from? 
  2. How are you observing National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day? 
  3. What does your organization do? 
  4. What HIV services do you provide? 
  5. Have you seen stigma or discrimination against HIV+ Native people? 
  6. What can you do to help stop stigma and discrimination in your community and beyond? 
  7. Are there any specific resources that would help boost your HIV work? 
  8. What are your future plans for expanding your HIV work? 

We had such great participation and saw a lot of thoughtful and educational responses! Please see some of our chat highlights below: 

We appreciate all the valuable information that was shared! We are excited to continue this conversation and expand our HIV work for Native people and communities. If you haven’t already seen it, please check out our video “Positively Native” where we sit down with three amazing community members as they share their experiences living with HIV/AIDS. To learn more about “Positively Native” and some of our other resources and programs, please see the links below. We are grateful to be able to do this work, and we look forward to the future. 

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