COVID-19 vaccines are now available under Emergency Use Authorization or approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) currently recommends COVID-19 vaccination for everyone ages five and up.
Urban Indian Health Institute (UIHI) is committed to obtaining and sharing accurate information about the COVID-19 vaccines with our community and has produced resources meant to be used and shared by our American Indian and Alaska Native relatives, tribes, and healthcare facilities serving Indian Country.
The purpose of these resources is to provide up-to-date information for those interested in learning more about the vaccines.
3 W’s Postcard
This postcard aims to promote the 3 W’s (wearing a mask, watching your distance, washing hands). Even after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, it is important to continue following these public health recommendations so that we can keep our communities and loved ones safe, especially those who have not been vaccinated or are still waiting to receive the vaccine.

COVID-19 Vaccination Messaging Guide by IllumiNative and Urban Indian Health Institute
Moments of crisis influence our actions, oftentimes igniting our deepest fears and creating room for misinformation to spread. How we act and what we say in the moment can define perception and ultimately save lives. This memo outlines revised messaging based on insights from focus groups conducted between February 16, 2021 and March 3, 2021. We encourage partners to consider the insights outlined in the memo and to incorporate the messaging suggestions when crafting messages around the COVID-19 vaccine for Native Americans, creating content, or disseminating information.

Results from a National COVID-19 Survey: Strengthening Vaccine Efforts in Indian Country
There is an urgent need for information on knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs among American Indians and Alaska Natives regarding the COVID-19 vaccines. This report provides data on vaccine perceptions and offers recommendations for improving vaccine acceptance and uptake among American Indian and Alaska Native communities.

Featured Posts
Storytelling is a way of preserving our people. We are grateful to our Everyday Warriors in Indian Country who took the time to share their COVID-19 stories with us.

Native professionals and community advocates talk about COVID-19 vaccine and treatment clinical trials in our Native2Native video series.

Clinical Trial Participation Guide for American Indians and Alaska Natives: Partner Toolkit
This toolkit is intended to help healthcare providers share culturally attuned information about clinical trials with their American Indian and Alaska Native patients.

Vaccine Resources
COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheets
Learn more about the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines including who they are for, how they were tested, how they work, how they are administered, and the benefits and possible risks of receiving them.
For Relatives
mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines for Children Under 5: Dosing and Schedule
Information about mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines (i.e., Moderna and Pfizer)
Information about COVID-19 Vaccines for Pregnant or Lactating Native People
Information about Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen (J&J/Janssen) COVID-19 Vaccine
COVID-19 Vaccine Poster Series
For Providers
This poster series aims to promote COVID-19 vaccine uptake in Native communities as well as address common hesitancies and concerns related to testing and approval of the vaccine(s). Informed by results from UIHI’s COVID-19 Vaccination Survey, the series highlights Indigenous cultural values and commitment to community and relatives as the primary motivation for receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. Each poster identifies the individual’s tribal affiliation and date of vaccination—important for establishing personal connection and accurate representation with the community. The people seen in these posters are trusted sources and messengers as indicated by the UIHI COVID-19 Vaccination Survey. More information specific to each individual poster is available below.
For Relatives
#vacciNATION Camie
#vacciNATION Providers
#vacciNATION Shelley
#vacciNATION Virgil
#vacciNATION Magenta
#vacciNATION LaVerne
#vacciNATION Artwork by Avis Charley (Spirit Lake Dakota/Diné)
Downloadable Social Graphics
Facebook Frames
Download one of these frames to put on your profile picture on Facebook!
“I received my COVID-19 Vaccine”
Have you already received your COVID-19 vaccine? Use these frames to share with your Facebook friends and increase awareness about the vaccines and #vacciNATION! Check out our additional resources above to help inform others who would like to learn more about the COVID-19 vaccines.

Are you still waiting to receive your COVID-19 vaccine but want to support #vacciNATION? Use this frame to increase awareness and share with your Facebook friends!

Instagram Sticker
Download this sticker for your Instagram profile!
“I received my COVID-19 vaccine”
Have you already received your COVID-19 vaccine? Download and share this sticker to your Instagram (or other social media platforms) to increase awareness about the vaccines and #vacciNATION!

Featured Resource
Download Information about COVID-19 (Coronavirus)
In the past few years, you have likely become aware of COVID-19. It is important we continue to take actions to keep our families and communities protected from COVID-19. This resource provides information about how COVID-19 is a part of our lives now.

UIHI continues to monitor the latest developments surrounding the vaccines and will publish additional resources as information becomes available.